
Overseas Students from SCO Countries State Opinions on E Chi

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2020/12/16 11:15 0


Several from countries shared their stories and their feelings about China during the 18th SCO summit held in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, from June 9-10.

One of the commentators, Oleg, is a Chinese language education student from Russia who is currently at Qingdao University.

"I feel proud to serve as a foreign volunteer at the SCO summit. I plan to teach Chinese in Russia after graduation to help more Russians learn Chinese culture," he said.

Oleg added that he hoped the SCO countries could further enhance cooperation in the future, especially in the field of education, which will promote mutual understanding between people in different countries.

Lingshan from Kazakhstan was excited when her president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, went to attend the summit in the city.

"My motherland is one of the SCO member countries and I hope the SCO will speed up the development of economic trade with Kazakhstan," said Lingshan.

Anastasiya comes from Russia and wants to be a Chinese-Russian interpreter after graduation.

"China has developed rapidly over the past four decades, especially in the field of technology and innovation. I hope Russia can learn from China," said Anastasiya.

Lina comes from Russia and has been attracted by Qingdao's beautiful scenery, food and historical culture.

"I first got to know Chinese history when I was in middle school, then I decided to learn Chinese in university to make a thorough study of Chinese history and culture," said Lina.

"The SCO summit will improve Qingdao's international reputation, attract more foreign tourists and bring more commercial opportunities to Qingdao in the future," added Lina.

Yixienova comes from Kazakhstan and has been in Qingdao for six years.

"I feel at home here, and more overseas students from Kazakhstan are coming here every year," said Yixienova.

"Learning Chinese is difficult but I like it. I hope there will be more communications between China and Kazakhstan's youths," added Yixienova.



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